Remove cruft

Peter Ley 3 weeks ago
parent 7df7d31f57
commit d7e79abcea

@ -245,170 +245,6 @@ Why is this necessary for me to define? The world may never know."
todo "done|complete"
((org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t))))))
(use-package org-roam
:straight (org-roam :type git
:host github
:repo "org-roam/org-roam"
:branch "main")
:bind (("C-c n l" . org-roam-buffer-toggle)
("C-c n i" . org-roam-node-insert)
("C-c n f" . org-roam-node-find)
("C-c n c" . org-roam-capture))
(defun my/org-list-to-ul (lst)
(org-list-to-org (cons 'unordered (mapcar #'list lst))))
(defun my/org-html-css-link (stylesheet)
(format "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/%s.css\" />" stylesheet))
(defun my/org-html-index (title files)
"Make index page"
(require 'org-roam-db)
(let ((files-titles (org-roam-db-query "select file,title from nodes"))
;; group files by tag
(-reduce (lambda(map elt)
(let ((found-cell (assoc (car elt) map)))
(if (not found-cell)
(cons elt map)
(setcdr found-cell (append (cdr elt) (cdr found-cell)))
(cons '()
"select tag,file from tags join nodes on = tags.node_id")))))
(format "#+title: %s\n" title)
"* Tags\n"
(my/org-list-to-ul (map-apply #'my/org-html-index--make-tag-index tags-map))
"\n* All files\n"
(org-list-to-org files))))
(defun my/org-html-index--make-tag-index (tag files)
"Create the tag index file and return a link to it"
(let* ((filename (expand-file-name (format "" tag)
(file-count (length files))
(plurality (dired-plural-s file-count)))
(with-temp-file filename
(format "#+title: Index for tag :%s:\n" tag)
(mapcar (lambda(file)
(format "[[file:%s][%s]]" file (cadr (assoc file files-titles))))
(format "[[%s][%s]] (%d node%s)" filename tag file-count plurality)))
(defun my/org-html-format (contents _backend info)
"Uses format-all-buffer to format HTML. Formatter specified by :html-formatter option."
(let ((formatter (plist-get info :html-formatter)))
(insert contents)
(set-auto-mode t)
(let ((format-all-formatters `(("HTML" ,formatter))))
(condition-case nil
(error (message "Formatter %s not found. Skipping..." formatter))))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun my/org-html-p (info)
"Return nil if backend is not 'my/html"
(equal 'my/html (org-export-backend-name (plist-get info :back-end))))
(defun my/org-html--format-title (build-meta-info info)
"Advise `org-html--build-meta-info' to format title according to :html-title-format"
(when (my/org-html-p info)
(let* ((title (org-html-plain-text
(org-element-interpret-data (plist-get info :title)) info))
(title (format (plist-get info :html-title-format) title))
(info (append `(:title ,title) info)))
(funcall build-meta-info info))))
(advice-add 'org-html--build-meta-info :around #'my/org-html--format-title)
(require 'ox)
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my/html 'html
:translate-alist '((src-block . pygments-org-html-code))
:filters-alist '((:filter-final-output . my/org-html-format))
:options-alist '((:html-formatter nil nil 'html-tidy)
(:html-title-format nil nil "%s")))
(defun my/nessus-delete-index (oldfile _newfile)
"When publishing the \"nessus\" project, delete index org files"
(when (string-match "/nessus/index" oldfile)
(message "Deleting index file %s" oldfile)
(delete-file oldfile)))
(add-hook 'org-publish-after-publishing-hook #'my/nessus-delete-index)
(defun my/publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
(org-publish-org-to 'my/html filename ".html" plist pub-dir))
(org-roam-directory (file-truename "~/nessus/"))
(org-roam-completion-everywhere t)
(org-link-frame-setup '((file . find-file)))
(org-cite-global-bibliography (list (file-truename "~/nessus/ref/refs.bib")))
'(("p" "Page" plain "\n%?"
:if-new (file+head "pages/${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}")
:unnarrowed t)))
:base-directory "~/nessus/"
:publishing-directory "~/nessus-pub/"
:publishing-function my/publish-to-html
:section-numbers nil
:with-author nil
:recursive t
:auto-sitemap t
:sitemap-title "Index"
:sitemap-filename ""
:sitemap-function my/org-html-index
:html-doctype "html5"
:html-head-include-default-style nil
:html-formatter (html-tidy "--wrap" "90")
:html-head ,(mapconcat #'my/org-html-css-link '("style" "pygments") "\n")
:html-title-format "%s | Nessus City Sun Times"
:html-link-home "/index.html"
:html-html5-fancy t
:html-postamble nil)
:base-directory "~/nessus/static/"
:base-extension "css"
:publishing-directory "~/nessus-pub/static/"
:publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
:components ("nessus-static"
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(side . right)
(slot . 0)
(window-width . 0.33)
(window-parameters . ((no-other-window . t)
(no-delete-other-windows . t)))))
(require 'org-roam-export)
(defun org-cite--allowed-p (x) t))
(defvar pygments-path "pygmentize")
(defun pygments-org-html-code (code contents info)
;; Generating tmp file path.
;; Current date and time hash will ideally pass our needs.
(setq temp-source-file (format "/tmp/pygmentize-%s.txt"(md5 (current-time-string))))
;; Writing block contents to the file.
(with-temp-file temp-source-file (insert (org-element-property :value code)))
;; Exectuing the shell-command an reading an output
(shell-command-to-string (format "%s -l \"%s\" -f html %s"
(or (org-element-property :language code)
(use-package format-all
:hook (c-mode . format-all-mode))
@ -457,15 +293,6 @@ Why is this necessary for me to define? The world may never know."
(use-package projectile)
(use-package slime
(require 'slime-autoloads)
;; everything uses sbcl except termux, which doesn't package it yet
(setq inferior-lisp-program (if (= (shell-command "which sbcl") 0) "sbcl" "ecl"))
(when (= slime-connection-counter 0)
:program-args (list "--load" (expand-file-name "slime-init.lisp" user-emacs-directory)))))
(use-package jabber
:straight (jabber :type git
:host codeberg
@ -505,6 +332,3 @@ Why is this necessary for me to define? The world may never know."
:bind (("C-x C-j C-e" . jabber-erase-all-activity)))
(when-user-file-exists "local-init.el" (load it))
(use-package geiser)
(use-package geiser-guile)

@ -430,198 +430,6 @@ prompting for a timestamp rather than arcane config options.
(let ((org-use-effective-time current-prefix-arg))
(funcall #'org-todo nil)))
* org-roam static site generator
I'm using roam for this
- to take advantage of the SQLite stuff
- because some of the site is wiki-style
- and some of the wiki pages use roam-refs
#+begin_src elisp
(use-package org-roam
:straight (org-roam :type git
:host github
:repo "org-roam/org-roam"
:branch "main")
:bind (("C-c n l" . org-roam-buffer-toggle)
("C-c n i" . org-roam-node-insert)
("C-c n f" . org-roam-node-find)
("C-c n c" . org-roam-capture))
(org-roam-directory (file-truename "~/nessus/"))
(org-roam-completion-everywhere t)
(org-link-frame-setup '((file . find-file)))
(org-cite-global-bibliography (list (file-truename "~/nessus/ref/refs.bib")))
'(("p" "Page" plain "\n%?"
:if-new (file+head "pages/${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}")
:unnarrowed t)))
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(side . right)
(slot . 0)
(window-width . 0.33)
(window-parameters . ((no-other-window . t)
(no-delete-other-windows . t)))))
(require 'org-roam-export)
** Publishing
#+name: org-roam-publish-defuns
#+begin_src elisp :tangle no
(defun my/org-list-to-ul (lst)
(org-list-to-org (cons 'unordered (mapcar #'list lst))))
(defun my/org-html-css-link (stylesheet)
(format "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/%s.css\" />" stylesheet))
(defun my/org-html-index (title files)
"Make index page"
(require 'org-roam-db)
(let ((files-titles (org-roam-db-query "select file,title from nodes"))
;; group files by tag
(-reduce (lambda(map elt)
(let ((found-cell (assoc (car elt) map)))
(if (not found-cell)
(cons elt map)
(setcdr found-cell (append (cdr elt) (cdr found-cell)))
(cons '()
"select tag,file from tags join nodes on = tags.node_id")))))
(format "#+title: %s\n" title)
"* Tags\n"
(my/org-list-to-ul (map-apply #'my/org-html-index--make-tag-index tags-map))
"\n* All files\n"
(org-list-to-org files))))
(defun my/org-html-index--make-tag-index (tag files)
"Create the tag index file and return a link to it"
(let* ((filename (expand-file-name (format "" tag)
(file-count (length files))
(plurality (dired-plural-s file-count)))
(with-temp-file filename
(format "#+title: Index for tag :%s:\n" tag)
(mapcar (lambda(file)
(format "[[file:%s][%s]]" file (cadr (assoc file files-titles))))
(format "[[%s][%s]] (%d node%s)" filename tag file-count plurality)))
(defun my/org-html-format (contents _backend info)
"Uses format-all-buffer to format HTML. Formatter specified by :html-formatter option."
(let ((formatter (plist-get info :html-formatter)))
(insert contents)
(set-auto-mode t)
(let ((format-all-formatters `(("HTML" ,formatter))))
(condition-case nil
(error (message "Formatter %s not found. Skipping..." formatter))))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun my/org-html-p (info)
"Return nil if backend is not 'my/html"
(equal 'my/html (org-export-backend-name (plist-get info :back-end))))
(defun my/org-html--format-title (build-meta-info info)
"Advise `org-html--build-meta-info' to format title according to :html-title-format"
(when (my/org-html-p info)
(let* ((title (org-html-plain-text
(org-element-interpret-data (plist-get info :title)) info))
(title (format (plist-get info :html-title-format) title))
(info (append `(:title ,title) info)))
(funcall build-meta-info info))))
(advice-add 'org-html--build-meta-info :around #'my/org-html--format-title)
(require 'ox)
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my/html 'html
:translate-alist '((src-block . pygments-org-html-code))
:filters-alist '((:filter-final-output . my/org-html-format))
:options-alist '((:html-formatter nil nil 'html-tidy)
(:html-title-format nil nil "%s")))
(defun my/nessus-delete-index (oldfile _newfile)
"When publishing the \"nessus\" project, delete index org files"
(when (string-match "/nessus/index" oldfile)
(message "Deleting index file %s" oldfile)
(delete-file oldfile)))
(add-hook 'org-publish-after-publishing-hook #'my/nessus-delete-index)
(defun my/publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
(org-publish-org-to 'my/html filename ".html" plist pub-dir))
#+name: org-roam-publish-custom
#+begin_src elisp :tangle no
:base-directory "~/nessus/"
:publishing-directory "~/nessus-pub/"
:publishing-function my/publish-to-html
:section-numbers nil
:with-author nil
:recursive t
:auto-sitemap t
:sitemap-title "Index"
:sitemap-filename ""
:sitemap-function my/org-html-index
:html-doctype "html5"
:html-head-include-default-style nil
:html-formatter (html-tidy "--wrap" "90")
:html-head ,(mapconcat #'my/org-html-css-link '("style" "pygments") "\n")
:html-title-format "%s | Nessus City Sun Times"
:html-link-home "/index.html"
:html-html5-fancy t
:html-postamble nil)
:base-directory "~/nessus/static/"
:base-extension "css"
:publishing-directory "~/nessus-pub/static/"
:publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
:components ("nessus-static"
The following is from
#+name: org-roam-publish-config
#+begin_src elisp
(defvar pygments-path "pygmentize")
(defun pygments-org-html-code (code contents info)
;; Generating tmp file path.
;; Current date and time hash will ideally pass our needs.
(setq temp-source-file (format "/tmp/pygmentize-%s.txt"(md5 (current-time-string))))
;; Writing block contents to the file.
(with-temp-file temp-source-file (insert (org-element-property :value code)))
;; Exectuing the shell-command an reading an output
(shell-command-to-string (format "%s -l \"%s\" -f html %s"
(or (org-element-property :language code)
** Allow citations anywhere
`org-cite--allowed-p` doesn't let you insert a citation in a property, which is annoying
trying to fill out ROAM__REFS. I can't see why this exists at all.
#+name: allow-citations-anywhere
#+begin_src elisp :tangle no
(defun org-cite--allowed-p (x) t)
* Coding
** format-all
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
@ -688,31 +496,6 @@ trying to fill out ROAM__REFS. I can't see why this exists at all.
#+begin_src elisp
(use-package projectile)
The SLIME connection and inferior lisp process are just a regular part
of emacs now, like the sandtrout to Leto II.
#+begin_src elisp
(use-package slime
(require 'slime-autoloads)
;; everything uses sbcl except termux, which doesn't package it yet
(setq inferior-lisp-program (if (= (shell-command "which sbcl") 0) "sbcl" "ecl"))
(when (= slime-connection-counter 0)
:program-args (list "--load" (expand-file-name "slime-init.lisp" user-emacs-directory)))))
** slime-init.lisp
This file is loaded by slime
#+begin_src common-lisp :tangle .emacs.d/slime-init.lisp
(in-package :cl-user)
(defmacro add-responses (&rest responses)
,@(let (res)
(dolist (sym responses res)
(push `(defparameter ,sym ',sym) res)))))
(add-responses noice omg wat ffs ook nvm wtf butwhy iyss)
#+begin_src elisp
(use-package jabber
@ -757,8 +540,3 @@ This file is loaded by slime
#+begin_src elisp
(when-user-file-exists "local-init.el" (load it))
* Geiser
#+begin_src elisp
(use-package geiser)
(use-package geiser-guile)
