Deprecate XEP-0065, XEP-0095, and XEP-0096 support.

wgreenhouse 3 years ago
parent 02bf4d2378
commit 69d6122858

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -11764,960 +11764,6 @@ get it, and then it just gets deleted."
#'jabber-carbon-success "Carbons feature enablement"
#'jabber-carbon-failure "Carbons feature enablement"))
(defvar jabber-si-stream-methods nil
"Supported SI stream methods.
Each entry is a list, containing:
* The namespace URI of the stream method
* Active initiation function
* Passive initiation function
The active initiation function should initiate the connection,
while the passive initiation function should wait for an incoming
connection. Both functions take the same arguments:
* JID of peer
* \"connection established\" function
The \"connection established\" function should be called when the
stream has been established and data can be transferred. It is part
of the profile, and takes the following arguments:
* JID of peer
* Either:
- \"send data\" function, with one string argument
- an error message, when connection failed
It returns an \"incoming data\" function.
The \"incoming data\" function should be called when data arrives on
the stream. It takes these arguments:
* JID of peer
* A string containing the received data, or nil on EOF
If it returns nil, the stream should be closed.")
(defun jabber-si-initiate (jc jid profile-namespace profile-data profile-function &optional mime-type)
"Try to initiate a stream to JID.
PROFILE-NAMESPACE is, well, the namespace of the profile to use.
PROFILE-DATA is the XML data to send within the SI request.
PROFILE-FUNCTION is the \"connection established\" function.
See `jabber-si-stream-methods'.
MIME-TYPE is the MIME type to specify.
Returns the SID."
(let ((sid (apply 'format "emacs-sid-%d.%d.%d" (current-time))))
(jabber-send-iq jc jid "set"
`(si ((xmlns . "")
(id . ,sid)
,(if mime-type
(cons 'mime-type mime-type))
(profile . ,profile-namespace))
(feature ((xmlns . ""))
,(jabber-fn-encode (list
(cons "stream-method"
(mapcar 'car jabber-si-stream-methods)))
#'jabber-si-initiate-process (cons profile-function sid)
;; XXX: use other function here?
#'jabber-report-success "Stream initiation")
(defun jabber-si-initiate-process (jc xml-data closure-data)
"Act on response to our SI query."
(let* ((profile-function (car closure-data))
(sid (cdr closure-data))
(from (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
(query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
(feature-node (car (jabber-xml-get-children query 'feature)))
(feature-alist (jabber-fn-parse feature-node 'response))
(chosen-method (cadr (assoc "stream-method" feature-alist)))
(method-data (assoc chosen-method jabber-si-stream-methods)))
;; Our work is done. Hand it over to the stream method.
(let ((stream-negotiate (nth 1 method-data)))
(funcall stream-negotiate jc from sid profile-function))))
(jabber-disco-advertise-feature "")
(defvar jabber-si-profiles nil
"Supported SI profiles.
Each entry is a list, containing:
* The namespace URI of the profile
* Accept function, taking entire IQ stanza, and signalling a 'forbidden'
error if request is declined; returning an XML node to return in
response, or nil of none needed
* \"Connection established\" function. See `jabber-si-stream-methods'.")
(add-to-list 'jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist
(cons "" 'jabber-si-process))
(defun jabber-si-process (jc xml-data)
(let* ((to (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
(id (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'id))
(query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
(profile (jabber-xml-get-attribute query 'profile))
(si-id (jabber-xml-get-attribute query 'id))
(feature (car (jabber-xml-get-children query 'feature))))
(message "Receiving SI with profile '%s'" profile)
(let (stream-method
;; Find profile
(profile-data (assoc profile jabber-si-profiles)))
;; Now, feature negotiation for stream type (errors
;; don't match XEP-0095, so convert)
(condition-case err
(setq stream-method (jabber-fn-intersection
(jabber-fn-parse feature 'request)
(list (cons "stream-method" (mapcar 'car jabber-si-stream-methods)))))
(jabber-signal-error "cancel" 'bad-request nil
'((no-valid-streams ((xmlns . "")))))))
(unless profile-data
;; profile not understood
(jabber-signal-error "cancel" 'bad-request nil
'((bad-profile ((xmlns . ""))))))
(let* ((profile-accept-function (nth 1 profile-data))
;; accept-function might throw a "forbidden" error
;; on user cancel
(profile-response (funcall profile-accept-function jc xml-data))
(profile-connected-function (nth 2 profile-data))
(stream-method-id (nth 1 (assoc "stream-method" stream-method)))
(stream-data (assoc stream-method-id jabber-si-stream-methods))
(stream-accept-function (nth 2 stream-data)))
;; prepare stream for the transfer
(funcall stream-accept-function jc to si-id profile-connected-function)
;; return result of feature negotiation of stream type
(jabber-send-iq jc to "result"
`(si ((xmlns . ""))
(feature ((xmlns . ""))
,(jabber-fn-encode stream-method 'response)))
nil nil nil nil
(defcustom jabber-ft-md5sum-program (or (when (executable-find "md5")
(list (executable-find "md5") "-n"))
(when (executable-find "md5sum")
(list (executable-find "md5sum"))))
"The program to use to calculate MD5 sums of files.
The first item should be the name of the program, and the remaing
items the arguments. The file name is appended as the last
:type '(repeat string)
:group 'jabber)
(defun jabber-ft-get-md5 (file-name)
"Get MD5 sum of FILE-NAME, and return as hex string.
Return nil if no MD5 summing program is available."
(when jabber-ft-md5sum-program
(apply 'call-process (car jabber-ft-md5sum-program) nil t nil
(append (cdr jabber-ft-md5sum-program) (list file-name)))
;; Output is "hexsum filename"
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-word 1)
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))))
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defun jabber-ft-send (jc jid filename desc)
"Attempt to send FILENAME to JID."
(interactive (list (jabber-read-account)
(jabber-read-jid-completing "Send file to: " nil nil nil 'full t)
(read-file-name "Send which file: " nil nil t)
(jabber-read-with-input-method "Description (optional): ")))
(if (zerop (length desc)) (setq desc nil))
(setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
(access-file filename "Couldn't open file")
(let* ((attributes (file-attributes filename))
(size (nth 7 attributes))
(date (nth 5 attributes))
(hash (jabber-ft-get-md5 filename)))
(jabber-si-initiate jc jid ""
`(file ((xmlns . "")
(name . ,(file-name-nondirectory filename))
(size . ,size)
(date . ,(jabber-encode-time date))
,@(when hash
(list (cons 'hash hash))))
(desc () ,desc))
(lexical-let ((filename filename))
(lambda (jc jid sid send-data-function)
jid sid send-data-function filename))))))
(defun jabber-ft-do-send (jid sid send-data-function filename)
(if (stringp send-data-function)
(message "File sending failed: %s" send-data-function)
(insert-file-contents-literally filename)
;; Ever heard of buffering?
(funcall send-data-function (buffer-string))
(message "File transfer completed")))
;; File transfer is monodirectional, so ignore received data.
(defvar jabber-ft-sessions nil
"Alist, where keys are (sid jid), and values are buffers of the files.")
(defvar jabber-ft-size nil
"Size of the file that is being downloaded")
(defvar jabber-ft-md5-hash nil
"MD5 hash of the file that is being downloaded")
(jabber-disco-advertise-feature "")
(add-to-list 'jabber-si-profiles
(list ""
(defun jabber-ft-accept (jc xml-data)
"Receive IQ stanza containing file transfer request, ask user"
(let* ((from (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
(query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
(si-id (jabber-xml-get-attribute query 'id))
;; TODO: check namespace
(file (car (jabber-xml-get-children query 'file)))
(name (jabber-xml-get-attribute file 'name))
(size (jabber-xml-get-attribute file 'size))
(date (jabber-xml-get-attribute file 'date))
(md5-hash (jabber-xml-get-attribute file 'hash))
(desc (car (jabber-xml-node-children
(car (jabber-xml-get-children file 'desc)))))
(range (car (jabber-xml-get-children file 'range))))
(unless (and name size)
;; both name and size must be present
(jabber-signal-error "modify" 'bad-request))
(let ((question (format
"%s is sending you the file %s (%s bytes).%s Accept? "
(jabber-jid-displayname from)
(if (not (zerop (length desc)))
(concat " Description: '" desc "'")
(unless (yes-or-no-p question)
(jabber-signal-error "cancel" 'forbidden)))
;; default is to save with given name, in current directory.
;; maybe that's bad; maybe should be customizable.
(let* ((file-name (read-file-name "Download to: " nil nil nil name))
(buffer (create-file-buffer file-name)))
(message "Starting download of %s..." (file-name-nondirectory file-name))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'binary)
;; For Emacs, switch buffer to unibyte _before_ anything goes into it,
;; otherwise binary files are corrupted. For XEmacs, it isn't needed,
;; and it also doesn't have set-buffer-multibyte.
(if (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
(set-buffer-multibyte nil))
(set-visited-file-name file-name t)
(set (make-local-variable 'jabber-ft-size)
(string-to-number size))
(set (make-local-variable 'jabber-ft-md5-hash)
(add-to-list 'jabber-ft-sessions
(cons (list si-id from) buffer)))
;; to support range, return something sensible here
(defun jabber-ft-server-connected (jc jid sid send-data-function)
;; We don't really care about the send-data-function. But if it's
;; a string, it means that we have no connection.
(if (stringp send-data-function)
(message "File receiving failed: %s" send-data-function)
;; On success, we just return our data receiving function.
(defun jabber-ft-data (jc jid sid data)
"Receive chunk of transferred file."
(let ((buffer (cdr (assoc (list sid jid) jabber-ft-sessions))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
;; If data is nil, there is no more data.
;; But maybe the remote entity doesn't close the stream -
;; then we have to keep track of file size to know when to stop.
;; Return value is whether to keep connection open.
(when data
(insert data))
(if (and data (< (buffer-size) jabber-ft-size))
(if (and jabber-ft-md5-hash
(let ((file-hash (jabber-ft-get-md5 buffer-file-name)))
(and file-hash
(not (string= file-hash jabber-ft-md5-hash)))))
;; hash mismatch!
(message "%s downloaded - CHECKSUM MISMATCH!"
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
(sleep-for 5))
;; all is fine
(message "%s downloaded" (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
(kill-buffer buffer)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defvar jabber-socks5-pending-sessions nil
"List of pending sessions.
Each entry is a list, containing:
* Stream ID
* Full JID of initiator
* State machine managing the session")
(defvar jabber-socks5-active-sessions nil
"List of active sessions.
Each entry is a list, containing:
* Network connection
* Stream ID
* Full JID of initiator
* Profile data function")
(defcustom jabber-socks5-proxies nil
"JIDs of XEP-0065 proxies to use for file transfer.
Put preferred ones first."
:type '(repeat string)
:group 'jabber
; :set 'jabber-socks5-set-proxies)
(defvar jabber-socks5-proxies-data nil
"Alist containing information about proxies.
Keys of the alist are strings, the JIDs of the proxies.
Values are \"streamhost\" XML nodes.")
(jabber-disco-advertise-feature "")
(add-to-list 'jabber-si-stream-methods
(list ""
(defun jabber-socks5-set-proxies (symbol value)
"Set `jabber-socks5-proxies' and query proxies.
This is the set function of `jabber-socks5-proxies-data'."
(set-default symbol value)
(when jabber-connections
(defun jabber-socks5-query-all-proxies (jc &optional callback)
"Ask all proxies in `jabber-socks5-proxies' for connection information.
If CALLBACK is non-nil, call it with no arguments when all
proxies have answered."
(interactive (list (jabber-read-account)))
(setq jabber-socks5-proxies-data nil)
(dolist (proxy jabber-socks5-proxies)
(jabber-socks5-query-proxy jc proxy callback)))
(defun jabber-socks5-query-proxy (jc jid &optional callback)
"Query the SOCKS5 proxy specified by JID for IP and port number."
(jabber-send-iq jc jid "get"
'(query ((xmlns . "")))
#'jabber-socks5-process-proxy-response (list callback t)
#'jabber-socks5-process-proxy-response (list callback nil)))
(defun jabber-socks5-process-proxy-response (jc xml-data closure-data)
"Process response from proxy query."
(let* ((query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
(from (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
(streamhosts (jabber-xml-get-children query 'streamhost)))
(let ((existing-entry (assoc from jabber-socks5-proxies-data)))
(when existing-entry
(setq jabber-socks5-proxies-data
(delq existing-entry jabber-socks5-proxies-data))))
(destructuring-bind (callback successp) closure-data
(when successp
(setq jabber-socks5-proxies-data
(cons (cons from streamhosts)
(message "%s from %s. %d of %d proxies have answered."
(if successp "Response" "Error") from
(length jabber-socks5-proxies-data) (length jabber-socks5-proxies))
(when (and callback (= (length jabber-socks5-proxies-data) (length jabber-socks5-proxies)))
(funcall callback)))))
(define-state-machine jabber-socks5
:start ((jc jid sid profile-function role)
"Start XEP-0065 bytestream with JID.
SID is the session ID used.
PROFILE-FUNCTION is the function to call upon success. See `jabber-si-stream-methods'.
ROLE is either :initiator or :target. The initiator sends an IQ
set; the target waits for one."
(let ((new-state-data (list :jc jc
:jid jid
:sid sid
:profile-function profile-function
:role role))
;; We want information about proxies; it might be needed in
;; various situations.
((null jabber-socks5-proxies)
;; We know no proxy addresses. Try to find them by disco.
((null jabber-socks5-proxies-data)
;; We need to query the proxies for addresses.
;; So, we have our proxies.
(list new-state new-state-data nil))))
(defun jabber-socks5-accept (jc jid sid profile-function)
"Remember that we are waiting for connection from JID, with stream id SID"
;; asking the user for permission is done in the profile
(add-to-list 'jabber-socks5-pending-sessions
(list sid jid (start-jabber-socks5 jc jid sid profile-function :target))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5 seek-proxies (fsm state-data)
;; Look for items at the server.
(let* ((jc (plist-get state-data :jc))
(server (jabber-jid-server (jabber-connection-jid jc))))
(jabber-disco-get-items jc
(lambda (jc fsm result)
(fsm-send-sync fsm (cons :items result)))
;; Spend no more than five seconds looking for a proxy.
(list state-data 5))
(define-state jabber-socks5 seek-proxies (fsm state-data event callback)
"Collect disco results, looking for a bytestreams proxy."
;; We put the number of outstanding requests as :remaining-info in
;; the state-data plist.
;; We're not ready to handle the IQ stanza yet
((eq (car-safe event) :iq)
;; Got list of items at the server.
((eq (car-safe event) :items)
(dolist (entry (cdr event))
;; Each entry is ["name" "jid" "node"]. We send a disco info
;; request to everything without a node.
(when (null (aref entry 2))
(lexical-let ((jid (aref entry 1)))
(plist-get state-data :jc)
jid nil
(lambda (jc fsm result)
(fsm-send-sync fsm (list :info jid result)))
;; Remember number of requests sent. But if none, we just go on.
(if (cdr event)
(list 'seek-proxies (plist-put state-data :remaining-info (length (cdr event))) :keep)
(list 'initiate state-data nil)))
;; Got disco info from an item at the server.
((eq (car-safe event) :info)
(fsm-debug-output "got disco event")
;; Count the response.
(plist-put state-data :remaining-info (1- (plist-get state-data :remaining-info)))
(unless (eq (first (third event)) 'error)
(let ((identities (first (third event))))
;; Is it a bytestream proxy?
(when (dolist (identity identities)
(when (and (string= (aref identity 1) "proxy")
(string= (aref identity 2) "bytestreams"))
(return t)))
;; Yes, it is. Add it to the list.
(push (second event) jabber-socks5-proxies))))
;; Wait for more responses, if any are to be expected.
(if (zerop (plist-get state-data :remaining-info))
;; No more... go on to querying the proxies.
(list 'query-proxies state-data nil)
;; We expect more responses...
(list 'seek-proxies state-data :keep)))
((eq event :timeout)
;; We can't wait anymore...
(list 'query-proxies state-data nil))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5 query-proxies (fsm state-data)
(plist-get state-data :jc)
(lexical-let ((fsm fsm))
(lambda () (fsm-send-sync fsm :proxies))))
(list state-data 5))
(define-state jabber-socks5 query-proxies (fsm state-data event callback)
"Query proxies in `jabber-socks5-proxies'."
;; Can't handle the iq stanza yet...
((eq (car-safe event) :iq)
((eq (car-safe event) :info)
;; stray event... do nothing
(list 'query-proxies state-data :keep))
;; Got response/error from all proxies, or timeout
((memq event '(:proxies :timeout))
(list 'initiate state-data nil))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5 initiate (fsm state-data)
;; Sort the alist jabber-socks5-proxies-data such that the
;; keys are in the same order as in jabber-socks5-proxies.
(setq jabber-socks5-proxies-data
(sort jabber-socks5-proxies-data
#'(lambda (a b)
(> (length (member (car a) jabber-socks5-proxies))
(length (member (car b) jabber-socks5-proxies))))))
;; If we're the initiator, send initiation stanza.
(when (eq (plist-get state-data :role) :initiator)
;; This is where initiation of server sockets would go
(plist-get state-data :jc)
(plist-get state-data :jid) "set"
`(query ((xmlns . "")
(sid . ,(plist-get state-data :sid)))
#'(lambda (proxy)
#'(lambda (streamhost)
(list 'streamhost
(list (cons 'jid (jabber-xml-get-attribute streamhost 'jid))
(cons 'host (jabber-xml-get-attribute streamhost 'host))
(cons 'port (jabber-xml-get-attribute streamhost 'port)))
;; (proxy ((xmlns . "")))
(cdr proxy)))
;; (fast ((xmlns . "")))
(lexical-let ((fsm fsm))
(lambda (jc xml-data closure-data)
(fsm-send-sync fsm (list :iq xml-data))))
;; TODO: error handling
#'jabber-report-success "SOCKS5 negotiation"))
;; If we're the target, we just wait for an incoming stanza.
(list state-data nil))
(add-to-list 'jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist
(cons "" 'jabber-socks5-process))
(defun jabber-socks5-process (jc xml-data)
"Accept IQ get for SOCKS5 bytestream"
(let* ((jid (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
(id (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'id))
(query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
(sid (jabber-xml-get-attribute query 'sid))
(session (dolist (pending-session jabber-socks5-pending-sessions)
(when (and (equal sid (nth 0 pending-session))
(equal jid (nth 1 pending-session)))
(return pending-session)))))
;; check that we really are expecting this session
(unless session
(jabber-signal-error "auth" 'not-acceptable))
(setq jabber-socks5-pending-sessions (delq session jabber-socks5-pending-sessions))
(fsm-send-sync (nth 2 session) (list :iq xml-data))
;; find streamhost to connect to
;; (let* ((streamhosts (jabber-xml-get-children query 'streamhost))
;; (streamhost (dolist (streamhost streamhosts)
;; (let ((connection (jabber-socks5-connect streamhost sid jid (concat jabber-username "@" jabber-server "/" jabber-resource))))
;; (when connection
;; ;; We select the first streamhost that we are able to connect to.
;; (push (list connection sid jid profile-data-function)
;; jabber-socks5-active-sessions)
;; ;; Now set the filter, for the rest of the output
;; (set-process-filter connection #'jabber-socks5-filter)
;; (set-process-sentinel connection #'jabber-socks5-sentinel)
;; (return streamhost))))))
;; (unless streamhost
;; (jabber-signal-error "cancel" 'item-not-found))
;; ;; tell initiator which streamhost we use
;; (jabber-send-iq jid "result"
;; `(query ((xmlns . ""))
;; (streamhost-used ((jid . ,(jabber-xml-get-attribute streamhost 'jid)))))
;; nil nil nil nil id)
;; ;; now, as data is sent, it will be passed to the profile.
;; )
(define-state jabber-socks5 initiate (fsm state-data event callback)
(let* ((jc (plist-get state-data :jc))
(jc-data (fsm-get-state-data jc))
(our-jid (concat (plist-get jc-data :username) "@"
(plist-get jc-data :server) "/"
(plist-get jc-data :resource)))
(their-jid (plist-get state-data :jid))
(initiator-jid (if (eq (plist-get state-data :role) :initiator) our-jid their-jid))
(target-jid (if (eq (plist-get state-data :role) :initiator) their-jid our-jid)))
;; Stray event...
((memq (car-safe event) '(:proxy :info))
(list 'initiate state-data :keep))
;; Incoming IQ
((eq (car-safe event) :iq)
(let ((xml-data (second event)))
;; This is either type "set" (with a list of streamhosts to
;; use), or a "result" (indicating the streamhost finally used
;; by the other party).
((string= (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'type) "set")
;; A "set" makes sense if we're the initiator and offered
;; Psi's "fast mode". We don't yet, though, so this is only
;; for target.
(dolist (streamhost (jabber-xml-get-children (jabber-iq-query xml-data) 'streamhost))
(jid host port) streamhost
;; This is where we would attempt to support zeroconf
(when (and jid host port)
jc initiator-jid target-jid jid
(plist-get state-data :sid) host port fsm))))
(list 'wait-for-connection (plist-put state-data :iq-id (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'id)) 30))
((string= (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'type) "result")
;; The other party has decided what streamhost to use.
(let* ((proxy-used (jabber-xml-get-attribute (jabber-xml-path xml-data '(query streamhost-used)) 'jid))
;; If JID is our own JID, we have probably already detected
;; what connection to use. But that is a later problem...
(streamhosts (cdr (assoc proxy-used jabber-socks5-proxies-data))))
;; Try to connect to all addresses of this proxy...
(dolist (streamhost streamhosts)
(jid host port) streamhost
(when (and jid host port)
jc initiator-jid target-jid jid
(plist-get state-data :sid) host port fsm)))))
(list 'wait-for-connection state-data 30))))))))
(define-state-machine jabber-socks5-connection
((jc initiator-jid target-jid streamhost-jid sid host port socks5-fsm)
"Connect to a single XEP-0065 streamhost."
(let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
(coding-system-for-write 'binary))
;; make-network-process, which we really want, for asynchronous
;; connection and such, was introduced in Emacs 22.
(if (fboundp 'make-network-process)
(let ((connection
:name "socks5"
:buffer nil
:host host
:service (string-to-number port)
:nowait t
:filter (fsm-make-filter fsm)
:sentinel (fsm-make-sentinel fsm))))
(list 'wait-for-connection
(list :jc jc
:connection connection
:initiator-jid initiator-jid
:target-jid target-jid
:streamhost-jid streamhost-jid
:sid sid
:socks5-fsm socks5-fsm)
;; So we open a stream, and wait for the connection to succeed.
(condition-case nil
(let ((connection
(open-network-stream "socks5" nil
host (string-to-number port))))
(set-process-filter connection (fsm-make-filter fsm))
(set-process-sentinel connection (fsm-make-sentinel fsm))
(list 'authenticate
(list :jc jc
:connection connection
:initiator-jid initiator-jid
:target-jid target-jid
:streamhost-jid streamhost-jid
:sid sid
:socks5-fsm socks5-fsm)
(error (list 'fail '() nil)))))))
(define-state jabber-socks5-connection wait-for-connection
(fsm state-data event callback)
((eq (car-safe event) :sentinel)
(let ((string (third event)))
;; Connection succeeded
((string= (substring string 0 4) "open")
(list 'authenticate state-data nil))
;; Connection failed
(list 'fail state-data nil)))))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5-connection authenticate
(fsm state-data)
"Send authenticate command."
;; version: 5. number of auth methods supported: 1.
;; which one: no authentication.
(process-send-string (plist-get state-data :connection) (string 5 1 0))
(list state-data 30))
(define-state jabber-socks5-connection authenticate
(fsm state-data event callback)
"Receive response to authenticate command."
((eq (car-safe event) :filter)
(let ((string (third event)))
;; should return:
;; version: 5. auth method to use: none
(if (string= string (string 5 0))
;; Authenticated. Send connect command.
(list 'connect state-data nil)
;; Authentication failed...
(delete-process (second event))
(list 'fail state-data nil))))
((eq (car-safe event) :sentinel)
(list 'fail state-data nil))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5-connection connect (fsm state-data)
"Send connect command."
(let* ((sid (plist-get state-data :sid))
(initiator (plist-get state-data :initiator-jid))
(target (plist-get state-data :target-jid))
(hash (sha1 (concat sid initiator target))))
(plist-get state-data :connection)
(concat (string 5 1 0 3 (length hash))
(string 0 0)))
(list state-data 30)))
(define-state jabber-socks5-connection connect
(fsm state-data event callback)
"Receive response to connect command."
((eq (car-safe event) :filter)
(let ((string (third event)))
(if (string= (substring string 0 2) (string 5 0))
;; connection established
(fsm-send (plist-get state-data :socks5-fsm)
(list :connected
(plist-get state-data :connection)
(plist-get state-data :streamhost-jid)))
;; Our work is done
(list 'done nil))
(list 'fail state-data nil))))
((eq (car-safe event) :sentinel)
(list 'fail state-data nil))))
(define-state jabber-socks5-connection done
(fsm state-data event callback)
;; ignore all events
(list 'done nil nil))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5-connection fail (fsm state-data)
;; Notify parent fsm about failure
(fsm-send (plist-get state-data :socks5-fsm)
(list nil nil))
(define-state jabber-socks5-connection fail
(fsm state-data event callback)
;; ignore all events
(list 'fail nil nil))
(define-state jabber-socks5 wait-for-connection
(fsm state-data event callback)
((eq (car-safe event) :connected)
(destructuring-bind (ignored connection streamhost-jid) event
(setq state-data (plist-put state-data :connection connection))
;; If we are expected to tell which streamhost we chose, do so.
(let ((iq-id (plist-get state-data :iq-id)))
(when iq-id
(plist-get state-data :jc)
(plist-get state-data :jid) "result"
`(query ((xmlns . ""))
(streamhost-used ((jid . ,streamhost-jid))))
nil nil nil nil
;; If we are the initiator, we should activate the bytestream.
(if (eq (plist-get state-data :role) :initiator)
(plist-get state-data :jc)
streamhost-jid "set"
`(query ((xmlns . "")
(sid . ,(plist-get state-data :sid)))
(activate nil ,(plist-get state-data :jid)))
(lambda (jc xml-data fsm) (fsm-send-sync fsm :activated)) fsm
(lambda (jc xml-data fsm) (fsm-send-sync fsm :activation-failed)) fsm)
(list 'wait-for-activation state-data 10))
;; Otherwise, we just let the data flow.
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil))))
((eq event :not-connected)
;; If we were counting the streamhosts, we would know when there
;; are no more chances left.
(list 'wait-for-connection state-data :keep))
((eq event :timeout)
(list 'fail (plist-put state-data :error "Timeout when connecting to streamhosts") nil))))
(define-state jabber-socks5 wait-for-activation
(fsm state-data event callback)
((eq event :activated)
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil))
((eq event :activation-failed)
(list 'fail (plist-put state-data :error "Proxy activation failed") nil))
;; Stray events from earlier state
((eq (car-safe event) :connected)
;; We just close the connection
(delete-process (second event))
(list 'wait-for-activation state-data :keep))
((eq event :not-connected)
(list 'wait-for-activation state-data :keep))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5 stream-activated
(fsm state-data)
(let ((connection (plist-get state-data :connection))
(jc (plist-get state-data :jc))
(jid (plist-get state-data :jid))
(sid (plist-get state-data :sid))
(profile-function (plist-get state-data :profile-function)))
(set-process-filter connection (fsm-make-filter fsm))
(set-process-sentinel connection (fsm-make-sentinel fsm))
;; Call the profile function, passing the data send function, and
;; receiving the data receiving function. Put the data receiving
;; function in the plist.
(list (plist-put state-data
(funcall profile-function
jc jid sid
(lexical-let ((fsm fsm))
(lambda (data)
(fsm-send fsm (list :send data))))))
(define-state jabber-socks5 stream-activated
(fsm state-data event callback)
(let ((jc (plist-get state-data :jc))
(connection (plist-get state-data :connection))
(profile-data-function (plist-get state-data :profile-data-function))
(sid (plist-get state-data :sid))
(jid (plist-get state-data :jid)))
((eq (car-safe event) :send)
(process-send-string connection (second event))
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil))
((eq (car-safe event) :filter)
;; Pass data from connection to profile data function
;; If the data function requests it, tear down the connection.
(unless (funcall profile-data-function jc jid sid (third event))
(fsm-send fsm (list :sentinel (second event) "shutdown")))
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil))
((eq (car-safe event) :sentinel)
;; Connection terminated. Shuffle together the remaining data,
;; and kill the buffer.
(delete-process (second event))
(funcall profile-data-function jc jid sid nil)
(list 'closed nil nil))
;; Stray events from earlier state
((eq (car-safe event) :connected)
;; We just close the connection
(delete-process (second event))
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil))
((eq event :not-connected)
(list 'stream-activated state-data nil)))))
(define-enter-state jabber-socks5 fail (fsm state-data)
"Tell our caller that we failed."
(let ((jc (plist-get state-data :jc))
(jid (plist-get state-data :jid))
(sid (plist-get state-data :sid))
(profile-function (plist-get state-data :profile-function))
(iq-id (plist-get state-data :iq-id)))
(funcall profile-function jc jid sid (plist-get state-data :error))
(when iq-id
(jabber-send-iq-error jc jid iq-id nil "cancel"
(list nil nil))
(defun jabber-socks5-client-1 (jc jid sid profile-function)
"Negotiate a SOCKS5 connection with JID.
This function simply starts a state machine."
(add-to-list 'jabber-socks5-pending-sessions
(list sid jid (start-jabber-socks5 jc jid sid profile-function :initiator))))
;; (defun jabber-socks5-client-2 (xml-data jid sid profile-function)
;; "Contact has selected a streamhost to use. Connect to the proxy."
;; (let* ((query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
;; (streamhost-used (car (jabber-xml-get-children query 'streamhost-used)))
;; (proxy-used (jabber-xml-get-attribute streamhost-used 'jid))
;; connection)
;; (let ((streamhosts-left (cdr (assoc proxy-used jabber-socks5-proxies-data))))
;; (while (and streamhosts-left (not connection))
;; (setq connection
;; (jabber-socks5-connect (car streamhosts-left)
;; sid
;; (concat jabber-username "@" jabber-server "/" jabber-resource)
;; jid))
;; (setq streamhosts-left (cdr streamhosts-left))))
;; (unless connection
;; (error "Couldn't connect to proxy %s" proxy-used))
;; ;; Activation is only needed for proxies.
;; (jabber-send-iq proxy-used "set"
;; `(query ((xmlns . "")
;; (sid . ,sid))
;; (activate () ,jid))
;; (lexical-let ((jid jid) (sid sid) (profile-function profile-function)
;; (connection connection))
;; (lambda (xml-data closure-data)
;; (jabber-socks5-client-3 xml-data jid sid profile-function connection))) nil
;; ;; TODO: report error to contact?
;; #'jabber-report-success "Proxy activation")))
;; (defun jabber-socks5-client-3 (xml-data jid sid profile-function proxy-connection)
;; "Proxy is activated. Start the transfer."
;; ;; The response from the proxy does not contain any interesting
;; ;; information, beyond success confirmation.
;; (funcall profile-function jid sid
;; (lexical-let ((proxy-connection proxy-connection))
;; (lambda (data)
;; (process-send-string proxy-connection data)))))
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(eval-after-load "jabber-disco"

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