Move setup step from Makefile to contribution recipe

contrapunctus 2 years ago
parent f1abccfb61
commit cfbd314b4e

@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
.phony: all setup tangle autoload compile lint clean
.phony: all tangle autoload compile lint clean
build: tangle autoload compile
dev: setup tangle autoload compile lint
emacs --batch --eval="(package-initialize)" \
--eval="(mapcar #'package-install '(indent-lint package-lint relint nameless literate-elisp))"
dev: tangle autoload compile lint
# No -q or -Q without ORG_PATH - if the user has a newer version of
# Org, we want to use it.
@ -47,12 +43,12 @@ lint-check-declare: tangle
lint-checkdoc: tangle
emacs -q -Q --batch --eval='(checkdoc-file "jabber.el")'
lint-package-lint: setup tangle
lint-package-lint: tangle
emacs -Q --batch --eval='(package-initialize)' \
--eval="(require 'package-lint)" \
-f 'package-lint-batch-and-exit' jabber.el
lint-relint: setup tangle
lint-relint: tangle
emacs -q -Q --batch --eval="(progn (package-initialize) (relint-file \"jabber.el\"))"
lint: lint-check-declare lint-checkdoc lint-package-lint lint-relint

@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ To install the Info documentation, copy to =/usr/local/info= and r
cd ~/git/org-mode/
2. Optionally, install additional development tools (requires MELPA to be set up as package source) -
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :tangle no
cd ~/git/emacs-jabber/
make setup
2. Optionally, evaluate the following to install additional development tools (requires MELPA to be set up as package source) -
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(mapcar #'package-install
'(indent-lint package-lint relint nameless literate-elisp))
3. Make your edits to (not =jabber.el=), and save. Then, tangle the file -
