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Termighty is a script package designed for use with the TinTin++ MUD client and the
Aardwolf MUD ( It is meant to provide quality of life features
for players on UNIX-like platforms with minimal resource consumption or distraction.
An explicit goal of Termighty is to keep compatibility with modern versions of
TinTin++ and tmux, as well as to be easy to update and maintain for anyone who
wishes to do so.
Termighty is named in honor of the mighty terminal, from which one can have a
first-class MUDding experience; and the humble termite, a favorite snack of the
Players can download the package, run bin/termighty, and play.
Anyone interested in development of Termighty should peruse the HTML documentation
in docs/
Termighty attempts to keep up to date with TinTin++ and tmux. Presently it is
developed and tested against:
- TinTin++ 2.02.12 (2021-08-30) -
- tmux 3.1c (2020-10-30) -
The optional notification system by default relies on the following:
- notify-send (libnotify-bin)
- ogg123 (vorbis-tools)
Termighty assumes a UTF-8 capable terminal. For compatibility with ASCII-only
terminals, edit conf/options.tin and set mapType to 0.
0. Check prerequisites, install if necessary
tt++ -V (tested: 2.02.11)
tmux -V (tested: 3.1c)
UTF-8 terminal (edit conf/options.tin, set maptype 0 if not)
notify-send -v
ogg123 -V
1. Clone the repository
git clone
2. Start termighty
cd termighty; ./bin/termighty
Termighty tries to be plug and play with sane defaults. However, there are a few
knobs you can turn.
For channel filtering, add or remove the complete GMCP channel name to
privateChannels in conf/options.tin . See the Aardwolf GMCP Channel reference here
for the available names:
To disable chat log timestamps, change tsFormat in conf/options.tin to {}
During play, use "loadconfig" to update configured options, for example after
changing potion preferences.
For notifications, edit scripts in hooks/
- qh quaffs the current healing potion
- qm quaffs the current mana potion
- hpotName sets the name of your healing potion of choice
Example: hpotName (!(Light Relief)!)
- hpotCmd sets the command to use to quaff your healing potion of choice
Example: hpotCmd quaff light
- mpotName sets the name of your mana potion of choice
- mpotCmd sets the command to use to quaff your mana potion of choice
Use 'loadconfig' after changing potion configuration.
Rooms will be automatically mapped as you explore.
Maps will be autosaved every 5 minutes, and saved on disconnect (quit).
If you need to restore map data, look at mapdata/
To interact with the map:
- msearch <roomID|token> -- will find all rooms matching the provided token.
A partial match is fine, and will return all mapped rooms that match (case-
- mfind <roomID|room name> -- will show the speedwalk to the provided roomID or
exact room name.
- mrun <roomID|room name> -- same as mfind, but runs the path for you.
Map support is preliminary. Portals are not supported yet. Room tags like norecall,
noportal, etc. are not yet usefully processed.
In game: Fierre
TinTin++ Forums: Fierre -
Issue tracker:
Email: See game or git history
Termighty is provided under the Unlicense with the hope that it can be useful to MUD
players for years to come.